Monday, May 18, 2009

Preparing for the worst...

Well I am preparing for the worst. About 4 hours ago I had a some light pink blood on my pantyliner. I called my doctor and they told me not to worry about it until it got heavy...not to do they expect me to do that??? I am going in tomorrow after school to do my beta. They won't have the results until Wednesday because they lab will be closed by the time I get there. I hoping that it's no big deal....praying that it doesn't mean anything. If it does mean that it is a BFN I have already talked to God and asked him to make me strong. Please pray for me girls. Pray that if it can't be a BFP that I am strong and patient while I wait for God's plan.


Stacey said...

Of course I'm still thinking of you!!!! I hope, HOPE, HOPE that things go as hoped!!!

Carrie said...

I know how hard it is to keep hoping when it seems like it didn't work, but I am HOPING for you, and know that spotting can be so common. I know, you already know, I just wanted to throw it out there. Thinking only the most POSITIVE BETA thoughts for you... and sending love.


beth ewing said...

oh girl. i still have hope it is a positive but if it is, God and i are going to have a talk about why He couldn't just make it easy on you. hang in there.

Melody said...

I spotted after I had already found out I was pg and BOY was I scared... have you seen my darling daughter? All was well :) LOTS of women spot when they are pg. Also, if your cervix is irritated in ANY way including sex it can cause spotting b/c your cervix has to prepare for baby!

Amber said...

I will be saying a prayer for you Im right there with you

ashley said...

Thinking of you and praying for you. Hang in there!

twondra said...

Oh sweetie, I will definitely be thinking of you. I hope with all my heart that it's a BFP. (((HUGS)))

Mary said...

sending good thoughts your way!

Kristy said...

I hope that you are finding strength and peace. I could always be implantation bleeding, which is good. I'm praying for you!

Cady said...

I had pink spotting during my 2ww, and I really felt like AF was about to come, if that makes you feel better. I'll be thinking about and praying for you!

Kerri said...

I just came across your blog through another blog. I know this is a very stressful time for you, but I did want to let you know that I had 3 days of spotting AND bleeding before I got my BFP a few months ago. So, don't lose all hope. I hope your beta goes well. I'll be thinking of you.

Dianne said...

Thinking of you!!!!!

Becca said...

Thinking of you as you get your beta done today. I know the wait is so stressful!

Melody said...

Hey Ash, how are you today?

beth ewing said...

girl i'm dying here! what did you find out?

Melody said...

No update yet? I forget people don't get off work at 2:30 like I do, lol