Well I am sleep deprived...I feel like I have a newborn. McKenzie hasn't slept well since she first got a cold. At first it was because she couldn't breathe well. Her cold then developed into croup. The doctor put her on steroids for the croup and said it would make her active at night..yay! He was right. For three nights straight she was up for 2 hours at a time. I am averaging 3-4 hours a night...uggh! Friday night she finally slept again. Last night she had these weird crying spells like she was having nightmares. For 2 hours she made the noise they make after they cry for a long time..you know the one where they sound like they are catching their breath. Brandon looked it up and he said it was night terrors...has anyone else experienced this?
I am starting work on Thursday and I'm so sad!! I'm so nervous about leaving McKenzie with someone else!! Wish me luck:(
I am also late posting McKenzie's 6 month photo shoot pics. They are below...I hope you enjoy;) I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!
4 Years...
11 years ago
We have dealt with night terrors. But, we are on our way out the door so I will e-mail you later about it :) She's a cutie! You will do great at work. It's hard but so fun to get back home to her!
Adorable pictures! She is getting so big...can't beleive she is 6 months already. Good luck on Thursday!
I can't get over how absolutey adorable she is! You will be fine at work, it's hard but it makes the time you have with her that much more enjoyable. Hope you both get better sleep soon!
McKenzie is a beautiful girl!! I just LOVE her eyes!
I swear every time you write a post, I could say the same thing. Drake has made those same sounds, and we wondered what was going on but didn't look it up. I'm hoping it doesn't get too bad.
Hope McKenzie is feeling better. And, good luck on your first day(s) back. They will be tough, but it does get better - I promise.
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She is adorable! Hope she starts sleeping for you again soon. All babies go through phases. I'm guessing with a little time she'll get back to sleeping well. Good luck heading back to work! I can imagine how hard that will be for you :-)
Miller had night terrors and still if he is overly tired, he sometimes has them now (at 4 years old). they are so sad and scary (miller would scream and cry during his but not wake up). most of the time i would just hold him until he fell back asleep or we would try to wake him up if it got bad. his seem to only be when he is overly tired though so try to figure out when she is having them.
awww those pictures are so sweet. Hey how long did her cold last and how did you know it had turned into croup. Both mine have had colds for a week now but i don't know when i should go to the Dr's????
Thinking of you today!! I hope it went SUPER fast and you're back home with your little girl!
Matka 420
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