Year Stats:
- She is 20 lbs 6 oz (25%)
- She is 28 inches lon (25%)
- In size 3 diapers
- wearing 12 month clothes
- She is walking small distances but prefers to crawl...because she is a very fast crawler!
- She is a picky eater and prefers french fries and grilled cheese over anyting else. Her favorite healthy foods are blueberries and gaucamola.
- She has 6 teeth and should be two more soon because her top and bottom gums are swollen.
- She says mama, dada, papa, bye, cat(her favorite word), cow, quack, who(for an owl)
- She makes everyday such a better day and we are so blessed to have her!!
She LOVES her smart trike!!
Happy late Birthday to Miss M! Her party looked just perfect!
Aww, so sweet!! I love all the recent pics and current stats. Looks like your daughter had a great birthday! What a precious little girl:)
I have an award for you on my blog.
Happy Birthday...i've been waiting for this post. Its crazy how fast time is flying by!
Happy Birthday, McKenzie!!!
I LOVE her birthday cute! We're celebrating Drake's birthday this Saturday. How can it have been a year already?!
Happy Birthday to your sweet girl! Claire is just a few weeks behind her - we're celebrating Saturday. I hope Miss M had a great birthday!!!
Matka 420
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