I have been married for 7 years to my wonderful husband. I am a pre k teacher and have been teaching for 10 years! I am a christian and try to follow God's path in all that I do!
Brandon and I tried to concieve since February of 2007. Since July of 2008 we saw a RE to help along the process. In January of 2010 we were blessed with a beautiful daughter! We are now on roller coaster again trying to conceive number 2!!
December 2012: IUI with injectables (menopar) BFN 1/13/13
January 2012: Decide to go back to IVF. Start birth control on 1/14/2013. Consult scheduled for 1/22/13
February 18: Trial Transfer-all looks good. Estrogen is 25 February 22-Start stims: 2 vials of bravelle and 2 vials of menopar
February 25-Estrogen is 118. Keep taking some dose of stims
February 27-Estrogen is 201. 12 follicles: 6 on each side. Keep same dose of stims but add ganerlix.
March 1: Estrogen is 425. 10 measurable follies and several smaller ones.
March 3: Estrogen s 925 and 14 follies. 7 on each side. Stop taking stims. Take ganerlix at normal time. Take trigger shot at 1 am.
March 4: go to dr to see if trigger shot was absorbed...it was. retrieval tomorrow!
March 5: retrieval at 11:00 am. The retrieved 11 eggs!!
March 6: fertilization report: out of the 11 eggs 8 were mature and 7 fertilized.
March 10: embryo transfer at 7:30. Two beautiful embryos.
March 2009-start taking birth control April 2009- birth control until the 19th, baby asprin, and prenatal vitamins. April 22, 2009- Ultrasound and Estrogen levels checked. No cysts found, E2 levels below 20. April 24-26- Start stims-150 of Bravelle and 75 of Menopar. April 27-Estrogen level checked. Estrogen is 65. Increase stims to 150 Bravelle and 150 of Menopar. April 29- Estrogen checked and ultrasound. Estrogen is 249. Ultrasound shows 9 follicles. Bravelle 150, Menopar 150, and Ganirelix. May 1- Estrogen level and ultrsound. Estrogen is 520. Ultrasound shows 10 follicles. Continue with Bravelle 150, Menopar 150, and Ganirelix. May 3-Estrogen is 1083. Bravelle 150, Menopar 150, and Ganirelix. May 4- Estrogen is 1,549. Trigger shot..Novarel 10,000 Units. May 5-Blood test to see if trigger shot was absorbed by my body. It was. May 6- Retrieval at 8:30. 8 Eggs retrieved. May 7- Fertilization report= out of the 8 eggs, 6 were mature, and 4 fertilized. Won't know anything else until May 9th.Start edometrium, antibiotic, medrol, and baby asprin. May 9th- Wonderful news...4 8 cell embroys!! Transfer set for May 11th at 8:30. May 11th- day five transfer- two beautiful embryos! May 18th-spotting...is this the end?? May 19th- 1st beta May 20th- beta results....105. We're PREGNANT May 21st-2nd beta= 191 May 28th- 3rd beta 2,481 June 3rd- Saw a HEARTBEAT June 8th- lot of bleeding..very scary...we still se a heartbeat! June 10th- 7 week ultrasound. Saw a heartbeat. Baby measured 6w6d. Still spotting. June 17th- 8 week ultrasound. Saw a hearbeat. Baby measured exactly 8 weeks. Still spotting June 24th- 9 week ultrasound. Heard the heartbeat for the first time. It measured 170...is it a girl?? Baby measured 9w1D. Still spotting...will this every go away?? July 1- 10 week ultrasound. Baby starting to look like a real baby..saw arms and legs and strong heartbeat. We graduated from fertility clinic...very emotional. Still spotting but the blood clot is getting smaller. RE says that it shouldn't last much longer.
My Favorite Quotes!!
"The more you are focused on time-past and future-the more you miss the now, the most precious thing there is. Life is NOW." Eckhart Tolle
"There are only 2 ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though EVERYTHING is a miracle!"
Our Journey in a Nutshell!
October 2005-Brandon gets back from Iraq! November2005-We get married..say that we won't have children for awhile. Februrary2007-Stop taking birth control pills, start trying to have a baby...thought it would be EASY!! August2007-buy a house and start remodeling it...take a break from TTC while doing the remodel. November2007-start ttc again June2008-start worrying that something may be wrong. July2008-went to RE for consultation..find good sperm count but a few problems with motility. Puts me on clomid 50 mg. Aug2008-2 follicles IUI #1=bfn September2008-Clomid 50 mg, 2 follicles, IUI #2=BFN October2008-Clomid 50 mg....Got very sick, bad virus, dyhdrated went to hospital, IUI #3 cancelled. November2008-Clomid 50 mg...1 follicle, IUI #3 BFN Call dr and he says I have to take the month off and come in for a consultation on Dec 30 to discuss next path. December2008-consultation, discuss different options, decide on IVF as our next step. They say to call when I start my period and then do Clomid challenge test. January 2009- pass clomid challenge test, IUI #4 IUI#4-BFN March 2009-start birth control and baby asprin for IVF April-birth control, baby asprin, prenantal vitamins. Stop birth control on April 19th.
How is she 10 months old already?!???!!
Someone is excited to be 10 months old...so cute!!
Oh my goodness, Ashley, she is such a beautiful baby!! What an incredible little blessing you have. Congrats on the 10 month milestone!:)
Such a pretty young lady :)
Matka 420
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