Hi blogger friends!! Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I have been reading your blogs though!! I need advice on helping McKenzie to sleep more at night. She is 7 weeks old. For the last few days she has been waking up every 2 hours at night and I'm going crazy. I read that it is because I rock her to sleep so when she wakes in the night she has to be rocked back because she can't self sooth herself. Not sure if this is true or not. Does anyone have advice on how I can get her to sleep at longer intervals...Mama is tired;)
Other than that she is doing great! She weighs 10lbs now!! We go for her 8 weeks shots on the 22nd and I'm so happy because that means more freedom to go around more people!! I hope everyone is doing great.
I have no good advice yet...but look forward to seeing other people's responses to your post!! She is absolutely beautiful and looks sooo happy!!
Glad you're doin' well!!
How does she sleep in the daytime?
Do you swaddle her?
Email me: alyssa.gavinski@gmail.com
I'm not sure about the rocking thing because i had read that once so we never did that, we wait till they look sleeping and put them down. One thing to made a big difference was a white noise machine, they went from sleeping 2-3hrs to about 5hrs. She is sooo cute, i love the sunglasses pic!!
Do you think it might be a growth spurt? I know they usually say there is one at 6 weeks, but I think Drake's "3 week" growth spurt was a little later when he was up every 2 hours.
The one thing we do now is give him an extra feeding in the evening (every 2 hours instead of 3) and then make a bottle with a mixture of breastmilk and formula for his last feeding before going in his crib. His first sleeping stretch of the night is 4-5 hours and then usually 3 hours after that. I'm not sure if this is really the difference, but I'm not willing to change it in case this is what helped. :-)
Good luck!!!
Is she waking up to eat or just because she can't put her self back to sleep? We didn't expect my daughter to "put herself" to sleep until she was 10 months old or so. 7 weeks is pretty young so I think you rocking her is totally fine...she just wants her momma. Maybe try swaddling so she doesn't startle herself awake.
OH MY GOODNESS she is SO cute!!! :) Ha and I'm no help. Colby's almost 8 months old and still wakes up kind of a lot. I rock him to sleep too... good luck! Sleep does get a little easier eventually... promise.
Mason sleeps in our room in his bassinet and we sleep with the fan on for white noise, also when he was smaller we swaddled him, we also keep it very dark in our room pull down shades so no early morning sun comes in to wake him, oh and we bought the new formula by enfamil called restfull for night time feedings hope that helps I feel for you my little guy has been tricky too
we always tried to put miller to be sleepy but not completely asleep so i say give it a try and see if it helps. still rock her but just don't rock her completely asleep. then she learns how to put herself to sleep. or it could just be a phase. it's so hard to know. but every 2 hours is not much sleep for mama so i'd try anything (i need my sleep). hehe! she sure is a cutie!
I totally just realized that I commented on here with my "other" name from my family blog! So "Mommy" is me! She is still SUPER cute!!
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