I'm still here!!! I went to the Dr. yesterday for my 39 week update. I just knew that I would be further along...ha ha!!! When he checked me he said "Still 2 cm and 75% effaced"!! I wanted to hit him;) I asked him if there was anything I could do to get labor going and he said no she would come when she was ready. He decided since he thinks she is going to be around 8 lbs and my pelvis is small, plus the fact that I have gestational diabetes, that he will induce on Monday morning if she doesn't come before then. I am really hoping that she comes before then because he said it would be much easier!!
So, I'm still here!! I'm feeling okay besides the fact that I'm not sleeping good and my legs have been really swollen the last few days. I am still working. My preschoolers ask me everyday when McKenzie is going to come. They said she is really big now and it is time for her to come out;) They amaze me!! I couldn't believe how many of them bought her Christmas presents. The were SOOO proud of their gifts. One mom told me yesterday that when McKenzie grows up her daughter is going to teacher her how to swing...is that cute or what. I'm going to miss them for the rest of the school year. I hope my sub does a good job!!
Well girls, I hope everyone is having a great week!! Hopefully my next post will have baby pictures included. Please pray that I have a safe delivery and a healthy baby girl;)
4 Years...
11 years ago
I got SO excited seeing that you had updated. I thought FOR SURE that it was going to be a post saying that she was here!! :) I'm hoping like crazy that she comes out on her own. Even if she doesn't, I'll be praying that she is healthy!!!! I cannot WAIT for your next update!!!! I feel like I've been waiting forever for you to have her! (And I'm not even the one who is pregnant!!) YAY and good luck!!!!! :-D
39 weeks!! Wow! Time sure has flown! I can't believe your baby girl will be here next week...can't wait to see what she looks like. And, way to go still working. I'm still working, too, but not with kids! I get to sit at a desk. Hope the delivery is smooth and quick!
Sweetie it's me, I can't believe you are already fixing to have her....where has the time gone?! I am so excited for you and can't wait to see what this beautiful princess looks like!
Praying for you sweet friend!
Wow! I cannot believe you're already 39 weeks!! Hoping your next post does have pics of your beautiful little girl included. Praying for you both!
your doc wouldn't strip your membranes? that didn't work for me but it works for lots of people. hang in there. monday will be here before you know it.
I'm so excited for you! You are lucky compared to me -- doctor said yesterday my cervix is completely shut! No progress whatsoever. Can hardly believe your little girl could be here Monday at latest! So exciting. Can't wait to hear your good news!
Do you have an exercise/birthing ball? I got on ours for a while and made tons of progress overnight. Maybe that will work for you too!! Congrats for making it to 39 weeks!!
I'm with Stace, I thought I was going to see pictures of little McKenzie! Don't worry, she will come before you know it! The last couple weeks are the hardest mostly due to anticipation. I had Gestational Diabetes and Bailey only weighed 7.8 b/c I was so good on my diet (as I'm sure you are too since you were already healthy to begin with). They dont' know how big the baby will be until it's born and weighed :)
Praying for you!! If you end up having to induce, do not worry! I was induced yesterday and I could not have had a more pleasant experience. Good luck! I cannot wait to see pictures!
If you are induced on Monday, we will be laboring together!!!! My c section is scheduled for Monday too!! Our babies are going to share birthdays!! How fun!
Dang, girl! I was really hoping! I'll be thinking and praying for you!!
not sure if any of you ladies know but baby makenzie (sp?) was born yesterday. we're FB friends so i saw it on there. from the looks of it and and everyone's comments, it seems like everyone is doing great. i'm sure she'll post when she can...just thought you ladies would like to know that.
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